San Fermin #newmusic

I’m not sure that I can completely describe my emotions clearly when it comes to the band San Fermin.  I know that on occasion I tend to over emphasize how I feel about a song or a band; some may say I use the word “love” too freely, even.  It’s not my fault, I genuinely feel a level of love for many musicians and genres! When it comes to music, I react intensely and non-sparingly.

Listening to San Fermin is an experience in and of itself.  Not only do you feel moved by the slightly ethereal string section, but the seamless weaving of voices incorporates an at times eerie sound.  Sometimes I want to blast them, sometimes I want to listen to them in a mellowed out room with candles burning.  Everyone will find something different, but one thing is for sure, it’s not an experience you’ll want to miss.


  1. You and your music. You are so wise. It’s almost got a Queen thing going at 1:00. I like! Time to take advantage of my Google Play gift card. 🙂 Unless you have other suggestions, O wise one.

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